Richard Sothoron (of Samuel)

Bequeathed property in 1745/6 will of uncle Benjamin Sothoron (see his Notes).

From father’s will of 1767 (see his Notes), to receive Sothoron’s Supply, one cow & one calf upon death or remarriage of his mother. Residual to be divided equally amongst children.

** Military activity - St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

A full representation of the Pay Roll of 6th Batallion of Militia, 1776. Noted to be from the original, in Box 6, Folder 1 at MdHR. Militia is stated to be in camp at St. George's. Those listed of note:

    Entered   Discharged   Number of Days
  Capt. Henry G. Sothoron Absent        
  William Kilgour, 2d LT. July 16, 1776   July 26, 1776   11, of which acted as Capt.
  Henry Tubman, 1 LT July 17, 1776   July 21, 1776   5, as Captain
  John Johnson Sothoron July 17, 1776   July 21, 1776   5
  Samuel Southoron, of Saml July 17, 1776   July 23, 1776   7
  Richard Sothoron July 17, 1776   July 23, 1776   7
  Richard Sothoron of Saml July 17, 1776   July 21, 1776   5
  John Sothoron of Saml July 17, 1776   July 23, 1776   7

(The Maryland & Delaware Genealogist 7:13, 1776.07)

Original document of roster of Capt. Sothoron’s Company of the 6th Batalion (sic) of Militia, in Camp at St. George’s. The list includes:

  Entered Discharged Number of days
Capt. Henry G. Sothoron absent    
John Johnson Sothoron, Adj.    

July 17, 1776    

July 21, 1776     5
Richard Sothoron of Rd 17 23 7
Richard Sothoron of Saml 17 21 5
Samuel Sothoron of Saml 17 23 7
John Sothoron of Rd 17 23 7

(Maryland State Papers {MSA S 997-6-1470}, 1776.07.26)

Richard Sotheron of Samuel was administered the Oath of Allegiance by Henry Tubman, as recorded on 2 March 1778 (see Notes of Henry Greenfield Sothoron for full text).

** Miscellaneous


Richard Sotheron & Samuel Sotheron listed together on the 1765 Tax List for Upper Resurrection Hundred.  (MD Genealogical Society web page - from MSA Microfilm SR4543)

In inventory of Samuel Sothoron on 2 July 1768, Richard Sothoron, Sr. was largest creditor, and Richard Sothoron, Jr. was next of kin (see father’s Notes for full excerpt).


Levin Sothoron and Richard Sothoron were witnesses to the will of Richard Burroughs of St. Mary's Co., MD.  (* - Wills 37/249, 8 Nov 1768/3 May 1769)

In Accounts dated 5 October 1770, Richard of Samuel Sothoron paid monies due to the estate (see father’s Notes for details).

List of St. Mary's Co., MD voters for the 1790 Congressional Elections. "Page No." refers to original document, held by the Maryland State Archives. (* - Catholic Families of Southern MD, pp. 98, 99, 112, 137)

Page No. Name
49 Sothoron, Charles
71 Sothoron, Henry G.
81 Sothoron, John I. (sic)
  Sothoron, Levin
  Sothoron, Richard
  Sothoron, Samuel
90 Sothoron, Francis
  Sothoron, Henry
  Sothoron, John
99 Sothoron, Richd. of Samuel
  Sothoron, Sam.

1790 Federal Census (1790.08.02) St. Mary’s Co., MD - Pg 109, Richard Sothoron, Jr.

Free white males 16 & older...2
under 16...1
Free white females...5

(I believe “Jr” became “Sr” on the death of Jr’s uncle Richard in 1782, and uncle Richard’s son Richard became “Jr”. There is a better fit of census numbers with that assumption. - WHS*)

** Tax Assessment Records - Upper Resurrection Hundred, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland (Fenwick*)

1793-96 Assessment. Rich’d Sothoron of Sam’l. Slaves: 1. Lands: Supply, 21 acres. Personal: 35.12.6. Total: 86.17.6.

1801 Assessment. Sothoron of Sam’l hrs. Slaves: 1. Lands: Supply, 21 acres. Personal: 38.15.0. Total: 85.0.0.

1806 Assessment. Sothoron of Sam’l hrs. Slaves: 1. Lands: Supply, 21 acres. Personal: 38.15.0. Total: 85.0.0.

1812 Assessment (Real Estate only). Rich’d Sothoron of Sam’l hrs. Slaves: 5; Livestock, furn., etc. Lands: Supply, 21 acres. Total: 26.5.0.

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.